Monday, August 01, 2005


there will be no exciting blog post. at least from me...

i am swamped at work. and i had to work on a separate project this weekend...and i'm trying to revise a play i've been working on...and the eye parts of my face are starting to hurt from staring at a computer screen.

also, i'm a martyr.

in fact, in high school i was President of the "Martyr Club"

why is high school coming up so much in my blog entries?! do i have repressed childhood memories? was i raped and murdered in high school? why did i cry when i saw "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" on broadway? i think it's because i used to watch that movie as a kid and all the words to every song came rushing back. or it's because i was raped.

or is it because i know that some of my high school friends are reading this blog.
yes. maybe it's just that simple.

and the sooz is reading. she posted a comment to josh's last entry and not only upset him with her personal disseminators of information but also used the name Susan. Do not let this confuse you. Susan (aka Susie; aka the Sooz) is all one and the same and she will hopefully continue to bring her knowledge of life and the dewey decimal system to the comment section of our blog.

anyway. enough. i'm busy. like jesus.

but i have been having a lot of important thoughts about Dairy stay tuned.