Friday, July 29, 2005

I mean, really.

Gay men's home burns, with epithet left behind

i'm sorry...but i just can't believe shit like this still happens.

i mean, really.

i guess i'm spoiled living in New York City...and i forget that there really are still so many sheltered, pathetic, close-minded people living in the world. what is the point of a hate crime. haven't you people read The Four Agreements?!

i think things need to change. there i said it.

but then again...

More 'superstrain' HIV cases found

so basically we're busy killing ourselves as well. one of these new cases was spread from a man in CT man to a man in NY while having sex on crystal meth.

i mean, really. this is awful. to quote Larry Kramer's recent speech at Cooper Union:

"I love being gay. I love gay people. I think we’re better than other people. I really do. I think we’re smarter and more talented and better friends. I do, I do, I totally do. I really do think all of these things. And I passionately and desperately want all my brothers and sisters to stay alive and well and on this earth as long as they want theirs to.

Can we all help each other to reach this goal?"

if you have a this speech. it's amazing. available in print and here online.

so, let's all just wake up for a minute...thanks. then we'll get back to ziti.