Monday, July 25, 2005

March of the Penguins


That about sums up the great documentary "March of the Penguins." Dave and I saw this together yesterday. It was perfect timing to see it too. We had just walked the Williamsburg Bridge and wanted to see something chill. soooo... Penguins it was!

Basically you follow the journey and life cycle of the emperor penguin though beautifully captured landscapes. The cinematics are amazing. Wait for the credits and you'll see how they got some of the shots without a crane. You also have to wonder how difficult it was for the camera guy to sit and watch a cute puffball of a penguin get snatched up by an ugly bird. I'd be shoo'n that thang so fast man. "Get the f*ck away b*tch!" Yup. That's what I'd say. Bird beatin'. Yeah man.

But don't worry. Natural violence was very minimal with the thoughtful theme of penguin love being front and center.

Josh gives it 4/5 penguins