Tuesday, July 26, 2005

gay days

creepy. (click the word "creepy")

i have written checks to this man...at my day job. i think the #1 reason not to be murdered is that your private life and fetishes just come flying out into public terrain...

but not to make light of this...it's truly awful. and my first thought was...in a moment of anti-gay gayness...only the gays. but then i thought, nah...i like being gay. and this shit happens everywhere and everyplace. (see "Attraction, Fatal") and, in general, the gays are quite a warm, caring and humorous people.

also, i have to admit that i stole this news item from my favorite daily gay blog:


this is seriously one of my favorite things to read every day. it is basically gay news...everything from politics to random smut. i love it. spread the word!

also, i saw Mysterious Skin last night. (see image above) i loved it. and actually watched a good 30% of the film pushing my thumb into my temple. i think this was a subconscious attempt to relieve the disturbance. but a really amazing...and ironically, beautiful film. i've decided i'm a fan of Gregg Araki...and returned home to dig up and old video copy of Nowhere....which is really also quite excellent...in a more frivolous intense way. and Cristina Applegate is in it!! HELLO! love her.