Monday, July 25, 2005

Dave's Monday Post

I disagree with everything Josh said about the Penguin movie. Wait...I didn't even see it with him!! He is making up my life via internet. What the hell!? Blogging sucks.

Ok. I did see it. With Josh.

As Anna Paquin might say with New Zealand accent..."I tell a lie."

Josh (aka Mr. Pants) and I walked over the Williamsburg bridge, bought terrible red bevarages from Baskin simultaneous stomach/head aches and then recovered in an ice-cold theatre where we watched penguins get eaten by seals.

speaking of brother is in Alaska right now...and he has to club baby seals to eat. i think...

anyway, i did love the penguin movie. until the end. when everything seemed okay...the babies were born...and the movie kept going. Wrap it up! I'm freezing! But for that, I blame the Angelika.

Also, I used to think zoos were bad. But after seeing what those penguins go through...

If I were a penguin, I would plead with the zookeepers "Take me! TAKE ME PLEASE!" Help me raise my young, keep me warm and fed. I mean the males don't eat for 4 months while they take care of the egg. 4 MONTHS!!!

Josh and I decided we should do the penguin diet. We are on day 2. Let's see how that goes.

I've already lost 8 pounds this summer. Which is weird...but true. And all my pants are falling down. My birthday is coming up. Please buy me pants. Or just wait 4 months...because then I may a few sizes smaller. Or dead.