Office Drama
Or rather...real-life human drama, comedy and full-out violence.
I was not going to use names to describe what has been going on in my office lately, but since I work in a theatre office (that shall remain nameless!)...I figure that most of the people involved in the incidents described below may actually be known to most and identifiable by their photographs.
So, no pseudonyms necessary.
Let's get to the point.
There is major fight going on in my office.
My co-worker John and I have to walk by it every day...and it has been going on for months!
It looks like there is no signs of it stopping...
Here is where things of now...
Buffy seems to have climbed on top of Jaws and is about to drive a wooden stake into his flesh. R2-D2 has also grabbed on to the mighty shark at the last moment and is trying to make his way towards Buffy before she impales him with her stake and all hell breaks loose.
Buffy does not seem to know that wooden stakes do not kill Great White Sharks, they only provoke.
And at the same time, not very far away...
Babe, the pig has been enclosed in some kind of square shaped force-field.
Spiderman was attempting to save the little pig, but Frodo Baggins will have none of that! He has snuck up behind Spidey, and is taking him down! Bigfoot has arrived just in time to help! Bigfoots like hobbits.
Meanwhile, the Iron Giant has become smaller than both the hobbit, pig and superhero...perhaps some kind of reaction resulting from his contact with the strange square-shaped force-field as he attempts to free the pig and truly earn his superman status.
From a safe vantage point, a little ways away...Kyle and the Happy Monk (with cellular phone and espresso) look on.
Here is a full view of the action as it occurs in real space and time: And now...for you cinephiles! The Wachowski Brother version...
Who knows what will happen next week...
Stay tuned...