A few things...
1. I am bad at blogging.
2. I have been really busy, but have a few subjects that I would like to explore here soon.
3. The subjects I plan to blog about are:
a) the fact that i think Herbie 2 (my mini ipod) is some kind of oracle
b) the fact that I am reading The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker and it has changed my life. ((small note: i knocked over all 37 display shelves of The DaVinci Code that were standing at the entrance of my local Barnes and Noble in an attempt to find a copy of this book.))
3a. Today's trivia: How many copies of The DaVinci Code are sold per day?
3b. Today's alternate trivia question: How many Robin Williams movies are made per day?
4. I don't know why I am bothering to write this entry. I am actually hoping that it will inspire me to do a more full and detailed entry in the near future. And if it's not about either of the subjects that appear above (in #2), it may be about Robin Williams. Or the distribution of taco salad as a solution for ending war. Not this current war, necessarily. Just war in general.
5. I think the only time anyone reads this is when I think I've written something worthwhile and I e-mail all my friends to tell them how proud I am of my own work.
6. I'm not going to do that this time.